06/2024. We have a whole new cast of characters joining the lab this summer. We are so happy to welcome our new graduate students Maggie Stapleton (IBiS), Andrea Tigges (IBiS), and Nate Shepard (NUIN), as well as our new staff scientist Kevin Bodkin!
11/2023. Our most recent work on the role of dopamine in affective state transitions is now out in Neuron. Congratulations to all authors, including former graduate student Mingzheng and former masters students Xin and Martin!
08/2023. Check out our newest paper in Cell Reports on peptidergic signaling in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, and its role in anxiety-like behaviors and motor control. A huge congrats to all authors, but especially postdoc Michael Priest!
07/2023. Congratulations to Isabelle Rieth on passing NUIN’s qualifying exams and becoming a PhD candidate!
06/2023. As we wrap up the 2023 academic year, we have much to celebrate and even more to look forward to. Dr. Sam Minkowicz left the lab this month, and after a month of travel, he will start as a software engineer at a local company here in Chicago. We are so excited for him and thankful that he will be nearby! We would also like to welcome PhD students Janet Zhao (IBiS) and Jinglan Zhang (NUIN) to the lab – we are thrilled they decided to join the Klab! We recently welcomed back Dr. Pushpa Kumari, who just finished presenting at GRC in Switzerland. Her photos of the Alps made us all jealous! Finally, our undergraduate researchers Felicia Mao, Mychaela Mathews, and Noblesse Ushindi will have a significant presence in our lab this summer, and we are looking forward to what they will accomplish in a few short months.
05/2023. A big congrats to Sam Minkowicz for a successful thesis defense and for awesome reviews on his paper “Striatal ensemble activity in an innate naturalistic behavior” at eLife!
03/2023. Congratulations to Isabelle Rieth for receiving the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
02/2023. Check out our latest preprint in BioRxiv called: “Striatal ensemble activity in an innate naturalistic behavior”! Congratulations to first author Sam Minkowicz, as well as several members of our lab, including graduate student Sara Freda, and undergraduates Mychaela, Felicia, Lauren and Ethan.
01/2023. Congrats to 3rd year Meghan Masotti for giving a thoughtful and precise overview of her thesis work in her second round of IBIS qualifying exams! Additionally, undergraduate Lauren Yoon received an offer for a Microsoft Undergraduate Research Internship this month. She will be working in the Microsoft Health Futures sector! We would also like to to welcome rotation students Cole Wilson (IBIS) and Jinglan Zhang (NUIN) to the lab.
12/2022. Lab members Sara Freda and Lauren Yoon have been selected as a mentor/mentee pair for NEURON (Northwestern Education and Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience)! Congratulations to them both.
09/2022. We have a new publication out in Nature Communications: “Wireless multi-lateral optofluidic microsystems for real-time programmable optogenetics and photopharmacology”. Congratulations to all, including our very own Mingzheng Wu and Lauren Yoon, as well as former masters student Xin Zhang. We would also like to welcome rotation student Omar De Leon! Genia also received an award from Scialog: Advancing BioImaging. Thank you to the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA) and Walder Foundation for their support.
08/2022. A big congratulations to Dr. Mingzheng Wu on his successful thesis defense! He will start a postdoc with collaborator Dr. John Rogers here at Northwestern in October. We are thrilled to have him nearby, and look forward to all of the work he will do in the years to come! This month, we also said goodbye to our NIH Prep Scholar Yasmeen Lowe with a farewell ‘Hot Ones’ challenge! This fall, she will begin her PhD here at Northwestern in the NUIN program. We would also like to congratulate former lab member Vas and lab manager Lindsey Butler on their accepted manuscript “Dynamic proteomic and phosphoproteomic atlas of corticostriatal axons in neurodevelopment” at eLife!
07/2022. This month, Sihan (Martin) Feng successfully defended his Master’s thesis! He will start law school at Northwestern this fall. While we are sad to see him leave the lab, we are equally excited for this new chapter in his career. We would also like to welcome Isabelle Rieth, our newest NUIN PhD student! Mingzheng and collaborators in the Roger’s lab also have a new publication out in Nature Electronics: “Ecoresorbable and bioresorbable microelectromechanical systems”.
04/2022. Congratulations to our first two graduates, Dr. Neto Canton-Josh and Dr. Vas Dumrongprechachan! Neto has started a postdoc position in Dr. Lucas Pinto’s lab here at Northwestern. We are glad to have him close by. Vas headed off to Pittsburgh to begin a postdoc position with collaborator Dr. Matt MacDonald. His presence in lab and Chicago is greatly missed! Also a big congrats to Neto for his recent publication in eLife: “Dopaminergic regulation of vestibulo-cerebellar circuits through unipolar brush cells”!
03/2022. Check out our latest preprint by grad student Vas: “Dynamic proteomic and phosphoproteomic atlas of corticostriatal axon neurodevelopment” Congrats!
02/2022. Congrats to Mingzheng on his newest Nature Protocols publication: “Preparation and use of wireless reprogrammable multilateral optogenetic devices for behavioral neuroscience”.
01/2022. Manish has accepted and started a position as Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, India. Many congratulations and well wishes to him on his new adventures! We also have a new preprint out: “Brainwide input-output architecture of paraventricular oxytocin and vasopressin neurons” by our very own Sara Freda. Many congrats!
08/2021. Oh boy, we missed a couple of months of updates, so where do we begin? Welcome to new lab members Meghan and Yasmeen! Congrats to Mingzheng and others on Nature Materials and PNAS papers! An awesome preprint from Michael. Congrats to Meghan for the CLP T32 award, to Mingzheng for becoming the inaugural Christina Enroth-Cugell and David Cugell Fellow, and to Genia for the Scialog RCSA/Chan-Zuckerberg collaborative pilot award. Congrats to Xin for defending her Masters in Neurobiology and moving on as a NUIN PhD student! Update: Genetically targeted proteomics paper from Vas is out at Nature Communications! This month just won’t stop, so Genia receives the 2021 One Mind Nick LeDeit Rising Star Research Award.
05/2021. Congrats to Manish on his preprint on the Crossbill open source microscope, to Mingzheng and others on his eLife paper!
04/2021. Congrats to Vas on a preprint on proximity labeling proteomics in the mouse brain!
04/2021. Congrats to Neto for his preprint “Dopaminergic regulation of vestibulo-cerebellar circuits through unipolar brush cells.”
01/2021. Mingzheng’s Biological Psychiatry paper is out!
9/2020. Our collaboration with the Parisiadou lab is accepted at eLife. Congrats to Nick, Giulia, and Vas.
8/2020. Our collaboration with the Verkhusha lab is accepted at Nature Biotechnology. Congrats to Neto and Manish. Stay tuned.
6/2020. Genia is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! She will be Soretta and Henry Shapiro Research Professor and Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Physiology starting September!
6/2020 The lab took June 10th to discuss and confirm our deepest commitment to #BLM, racial equality, and representation in STEM. Stay tuned for a dedicated page on where we stand, and what we are doing. Meanwhile, diversify your seminar speaker list by using resources like this.
6/2020 Congratulations to the two undergrads in lab, Catherine Tan and Kayden Washington, for receiving summer research awards to continue their research with us remotely.
5/2020 Congratulations for a new publication from Manish Kumar on tilt invariance in SOPi microscopy.
4/2020 Very substantive updates to Mingzheng Wu preprint on ketamine, dopamine, and plasticity.
1/2020 Check out two new preprints from the lab, on SOPi microscopy and LRRK2 synaptic biology.
6-8/2019 Welcome to new PhD student Sara Freda and PDs Patrick Skelton and Patrick Xian!
5/2019 Welcome to new PD fellow Yijin Yang.
4/2019 Congratulations to Sam Minkowicz on receiving the NSF GRFP Award! And welcome to new PD fellow Pushpa Kumari and rotation student Feng Xuan.
3/2019 Manish Kumar’s paper is accepted in Optics Letters. Open access here, take a look at the videos.
2/2019 Genia receives the 2019 NSF CAREER Award.
1/2019 Starting the year with a new SOPi preprint (open access paper here) and welcoming a NUIN rotation student Sara Freda.
11/2018 Vas Dumrongprechachan is awarded the AHA predoctoral fellowship!
9/2018 Yue Jun Liu joins the lab as a Masters student in Neurobiology, welcome!
8/2018 The lab is awarded two new R01 grants from NIMH and NINDS.
8/2018 Neto Canton-Josh and Mingzheng Wu are appointed to Motor Control and Mechanisms of Aging and Dementia Training Grants! Mingzheng passes qualifying exams!!
7/2018 Karlin Compton (IBiS) starts his summer rotation carrying out molecular studies of modulation in the hippocampus.
6/2018 Lei Xiao accepts a tenure-track position in Fudan University! And welcome to new grad student Sam Minkowicz.
5/2018 New paper is out in Optics Express. Integrated one- and two-photon scanned oblique plane illumination (SOPi) microscopy for rapid volumetric imaging. Congrats to Manish, and Jordan, and thanks to Sandeep Kishore and David McLean for collaboration!
4/2018 New paper is out in eLife. Oxytocin modulate synaptic transmission in dopamine neurons. Congrats to Lei and Michael!
3/2018 Collaboration with Drenan and Lavis labs is accepted at Nature Methods and a third of the lab is off to Basal Ganglia GRC!
2/2017 Collaboration with the Ryan Drenan (Pharmacology, Feinberg) and Luke Lavis (Janelia) labs involving Nick Bannon posted to Biorxiv. Manish Kumar's conference proceeding on low cost light-sheet microscopy is out it at SPIE Photonics.
11/2017 Giulia Hindermann, a Masters in Biotech student, joins the lab, welcome! Collaboration with Dr. Hao Zhang lab (BME, McCormick) is in press at IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
10/2017 Collaboration with Dr. Hao Zhang lab (BME, McCormick) is out in the Journal of Biophotonics.
9/2017 NIMH funding for neuroproteomics works initiates!
6/2017 Lei Xiao's paper is out in Neuron, free download here.
6/2017 Welcome to Mingzheng Wu, a NUIN graduate student who joined the lab!
5/2017 Nick Bannon receives an NINDS F32 postdoctoral fellowship award!
5/2017 Undergrads Joey Salvo, Joanna Qin, and Casey Grage receive awards to support their summer research.
5/2017 Congrats to undergraduate Sara Boyle for her acceptance to CSHL graduate program.
11/2016 Genia is honored with a Janett Trubatch Career Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience.
8/2016 Congrats to Michael Priest for being awarded the Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship!
8/2016 Congrats to Josh Werblin and Jackson Middleton for great posters at NU's first Undergraduate Neuroscience Research symposium.
8/2016 Welcome to our new Postdoctoral Fellow Manish Kumar.
7/2016 Congrats to Vas for his selection to the Chemistry of Life Processes training program!
5/2016 Congrats to Jordan and Tae for defending their Masters Theses!
5/2016 Welcome to our new Postdoctoral Fellow Nicholas Bannon.
5/2016 Welcome to our new graduate students Neto Josh and Vas Dumrongprechachan.
5/2016 Congrats to Jackson Middleton and Josh Werblin for receiving summer undergraduate research grants!
4/2016 Genia is named a 2016 Searle Scholar.
2/2016 Genia is named a 2016 Sloan Research Fellow.
1/2016 Vasin (Vas) Dumrongprechachan starts rotation (IBiS).
12/2015 Genia's piece on women postdocs in STEM is out at The Conversation.
11/2015 Genia's eLife paper from the Sabatini lab is in press and available.
10/2015 Genia receives Cornew Innovation Award from CLP (for work with Tom Meade).
10/2015 Jordan Nasenbeny (MS Neurobiology) joins the lab, welcome.
9/2015 We loved our fabulous 2015 Annual K-lab Sailing Retreat!
9/2015 Neto (Ernesto) Josh starts rotation (NUIN).
7/2015 Genia is named a 2015 Beckman Young Investigator! NU press release is available here.
7/2015 Genia, Hao Zhang and Patrick La Riviere receive a Chicago Biomedical Consortium Catalyst Award.
7/2015 Genia is named a 2015 Rita Allen Foundation Scholar! The official announcement, and NU press release.
7/2015 Michael Priest (PhD. University of Chicago) is joining the lab in September, welcome!
6/2015 Genia joins the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute.
5/2015 Genia is awarded a Whitehall Foundation Grant.
3/2015 Jeehaeh Do and Priscilla Ambrosi start rotations (NUIN).
2/2015 Undergraduate Jackson Middleton joins the lab.
1/2015 Takuma Sonoda (NUIN) and Jessica Lenoir (IBiS) start rotations.
12/2014 Genia receives William and Bernice Bumpus Foundation Innovation Award.
11/2014 Postdoc Lei Xiao and undergraduate Veera Anand (UoC) join the lab.
9/2014 Master student Taehyeon (Tae) Kim joins the lab.
8/2014 Genia receives NARSAD Young Investigator Grant, from Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. Lab renovations are almost complete and occupancy permit is granted.
7/2014 Research Technologist Lindsey Butler joins our still virtual lab. Genia starts.